
Don't Wait For Heroes-Dennis DeYoung(1984) 3部曲之2

Dennis DeYoung 曾經出過三部曲的LD ! 三段故事各自獨立,卻又整體輪廻;非常的有意思,大致內容如下;
1.Desert Moon沙漠之月:Dennis告別了家鄉及老友,準備到大都會去開展抱負;
2.Don't Wait For Heroes別等待英雄:到了大都會的男人與幾個志同道合的朋友懷抱著理想,要參加
"星光大道"的選拔,但是這個老兄因為前晚去鬼混所以遲到了..但是他們并未放棄理想,在一段努力之後終於達成了目標;注意影片後段評審給了他們經紀人名片之後說了一句"Call Me",引出下一段劇情..
3.Call Me回電:Dennis到了大都會發展事業之後,因故女友離開他;心情失落的Dennis黯然回到家鄉遇到許久不見的老友,卻又想起了初戀的情人..

I've got my dreams
I know you think that's craxy
But I won't give up
'Cause I've got this burning desire in me
Oh baby it's me

While the world sleeps
I sit up all night thinking
And making my plans
'Cause there's somthing special ahead for me
Something ahead for me

So don't you tell me that I'm wasting my time, running my life
And that the odds against me are a million-to-one, don't be concerned
I'll take the heat for all the chances I'm gonna take
Mistakes that I'll make
Wait and see
You're gonna hear from me

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
Winners are losers
Who got up and gave it just one more try
One more try...One mor try

If you're waiting for that miracle train to call out your name
And if you think the rainbow always finds someone else, never yourself
Just look inside and find that spark that's burning in you
Follow it through
The light you find
Well, it could change your life

So don't wait for heroes
Think for yourself
Make your own choices
You know it's easy
To follow the crowd
But my advice is
Don't wait for heroes
Believe in yourself
You've got the power
Winners are losers
Who got up and gave it just one more try